Waste Recycling
Waste Management
Waste to Energy
Waste Recovery and Recycling
Operations and Management
Governance, Regulations and Policies
Challenges and Opportunities
Digitizing the Waste Industry
Technology and Innovation
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
Economic Assessment of Waste Management
Environmental Impact of Waste
Sustainable Energy Management
Transitioning to Circular Economy
Risk Management and Safety Measures
It is with great pleasure and honour, we invite you to attend the International Conference on Assessing Waste and Recycle. AWARE-2022 Conference, which focuses on a timely topic in Assessing Waste & Recycle will bring together a multidisciplinary group of scientists and engineers from all over the world to present latest findings and to exchange their ideas. Get ready to learn, connect and network with various global like-minded experts.
At the end of the conference, the attendees will feel they have generated the most up-to-date information available. We hope that you will join us for a symphony of outstanding science, and to also take a little extra time to enjoy the spectacular and unique beauty of Melbourne.
How To Participate:
The focus of AWARE-2022 is to stage an international standard event that will meet the expectations of Exhibitors & sponsors as well as visitors. AWARE’s dedicated and passionate team’s sole motive is to tailor solutions so that each person attending the event has a rich & rewarding experience.
Conference in Australia are known for their innovative and exciting events offering attendees a high return on investment. With the event being held in Melbourne, the country’s cultural capital, buckle up for more amazing content, great networking opportunities, and get latest insight into the heart of recycling and waste management.
Learn about the latest innovation and trends from some of the top scientist & industry leaders around the world and also engage yourself in one-on-one Q/A session.
Discover an amazing showcase of innovative products & sustainable solutions to understand the waste and recycle industry.
Relish one-on-one networking opportunity to share best interest, make business deals, meet new clients and reconnect with your peers as the industry professional meet under one roof.
Conference Secretariat
Prism Scientific Services Pty Ltd
302/480 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
+61 383 913 150
+61 0416000202